
Don’t miss another live improvised sound track with a silent film

At FLEFF | the Finger Lakes Environmental Film Festival

 Storm Over Asia | Potomok Chingis-Khana (1928)

Sunday April 17 at 7pm at Cinemapolis

120 E. Green Street   277-6115

with live improvised soundtrack by Robby Aceto, Peter Dodge and Chris White

Some of Ithaca’s finest improvisers join forces again to bring a classic film to life

in the 21st century with electric and acoustic instruments and effects.


V.I Pudovkin’s 1928 masterpiece about the Mongolian people’s struggle for survival and freedom from the Soviet’s and British in the early 20th century.  At just over 2 hours this “epic poem” is “one of the most perfect examples of the formal beauty of silent film.”